VIP-95 is LIVE. Active until: 17. 2023 15:42 UTC. Proposal type: Normal. VIP-95 Payment issuance to MESSARI. Summary.

16 Feb 2023, 15:44
🔵 VIP-95 is LIVE Active until: 17.02.2023 15:42 UTC Proposal type: Normal VIP-95 Payment issuance to MESSARI Summary VIP-95 Payment issuance to MESSARI. In reference to the successful passing of the Snapshot proposal: Commission Quarterly Research Reports with Messari on the 1st of October 2022. Venus is now launching a VIP proposal to issue payment to Messari for services rendered and to come. Background In an effort to better inform the crypto ecosystem on ongoing fundamental changes and major developments on Venus, Messari writes quarterly research reports. This serves to attract more builders, entrepreneurs, and investors who then provide value to the overall network once they are more aware of Venus core project fundamentals. All reports live as free resources on Messari and are distributed through their newsletter (230k subscribers) and various social channels. As per the original MESSARI Proposal and following further negotiations, Venus has entered into an agreement to pay MESSARI the sum of $120,000/Year. Total to be paid in this VIP: USDC $120,000. Vote 👉🏻