VIP-89 is live. Active until: 09. 2023 15:01 UTC. Proposal type: Normal. VIP-89 Adjust risk parameters for USDC. ### Summary.

08 Feb 2023, 15:11
VIP-89 is live Active until: 09.02.2023 15:01 UTC Proposal type: Normal VIP-89 Adjust risk parameters for USDC ### Summary Increase USDC Collateral factor to 82.5%. ### Description This VIP adjusts the risk parameters according to the recommendations provided by Gauntlet Risk Parameters 2023-02-01. Gauntlet makes the following recommendation to optimize risk and capital efficiency for Venus: * Increase the USDC CF from 80% to 82.5%. ### Reasoning Assuming the supply of USDC stays similar, the CF change will increase capital efficiency by potentially enabling ~$1.9mm more borrows, with no impact to the VAR. Currently, $77mm USDC supports roughly $21.3mm borrowed, computed from a sum of all the debt USDC suppliers borrowed, weighted by their USDC collateral size relative to other collateral they supply. The weighted average APR of these loans is roughly 2.8%. At the current supply, increasing the CF by 2.5% will enable up to ~$1.9mm new loans, which could yield $54k in extra annual revenue. Vote 👉🏻

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Venus LINK
Venus LINKvLINK #1084
08 Feb 2023, 16:11
VIP-90 is live Active until: 09.02.2023 16:09 UTC Proposal type: Normal Adjust Risk Parameters for BUSD Summary Increase BUSD Collateral factor to 82.5%. Description This VIP adjusts the BUSD risk parameters according to the recommendations and analysis made by the Venus Quant team to increase the BUSD Collateral factor from 80% to 82.5%. Reasoning As our Quant team reported, they believe it makes sense to increase BUSD CF to encourage borrowing and boost revenue on Venus. Venus set’s CF based on how volatile an asset is and its liquidity. For stable coins, we also make sure that they are backed by sufficient reserves. In all measures, BUSD is as safe as USDC. Vote 👉🏻
VIP-90 is live. Active until: 09. 2023 16:09 UTC. Proposal type: Normal. Adjust Risk Parameters for BUSD. Summary.
VIP-90 is live Active until: 09.02.2023 16:09 UTC Proposal type: Normal Adjust Risk Parameters for BUSD Summary Increase BUSD Collateral factor to 82.5%. Description This VIP adjusts the BUSD risk parameters according to the recommendations and analysis made by the Venus Quant team to increase the BUSD Collateral factor from 80% to 82.5%. Reasoning As our Quant team reported, they believe it makes sense to increase BUSD CF to encourage borrowing and boost revenue on Venus. Venus set’s CF based on how volatile an asset is and its liquidity. For stable coins, we also make sure that they are backed by sufficient reserves. In all measures, BUSD is as safe as USDC. Vote 👉🏻