Created VIP-113. Proposal type: Normal. Proposer: Dev Team.
03 May 2023, 18:54
🔵 Created VIP-113
Proposal type: Normal
Proposer: Dev Team
VIP-113 Transfer XVS vault Admin privilege to Governance and Update XVS Distributions APR
#### Summary
This VIP will perform the following actions:
* Transfer vault’s Admin privileges to the Governance
* Set the new XVS Vault distribution APR to 1,100 XVS/day
#### Description
As we continue to upgrade our vaults towards readiness for our major v4 upgrades, we are now transferring the control of the XVS Vault to the Governance to allow for a more transparent and on-chain Governance process.
Our last buyback earlier last month for the amount of USD $477,112.93 resulted in the buyback of 62,360.02 XVS at an average buy price of $7.65. These XVS were already sent to the Distribution wallet.
Due to various ongoing changes and audits, we were not able to adjust the XVS Vault distribution APR until today and more XVS have been distributed in the earlier weeks, thus the need to further lower the APR for the remainder of this quarter to compensate for the extra XVS that were already distributed.
We expect the APR will return to above 9% in our next Quarter due to the excellent performances Venus has seen over the past few weeks.
Active until: 04.05.2023 18:52 UTC
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Same news in other sources
103 May 2023, 18:55
🔵 Created VIP-114
Proposal type: Normal
Proposer: Community Wallet
VIP-114 Payment/Deposit to Binance Oracle
This VIP will perform the following action:
- Transfer 100 BNB from Venus Treasury to Binance Oracle
This deposit is being sent to Binance Oracle for GAS that is expected to be consumed by the new Venus Binance Oracle feeds integration and expected to last for a period of around 6 months or a little more. This VIP is a dependency to Venus launching its new Isolated Markets feature as part of the major Venus v4 protocol upgrade in the upcoming weeks.
The new Binance Oracles will be supporting most of our 20 initial new markets.
Total to be sent: 100 BNB
Active until: 04.05.2023 18:52 UTC
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Created VIP-114. Proposal type: Normal. Proposer: Community Wallet. VIP-114 Payment/Deposit to Binance Oracle. Summary.
🔵 Created VIP-114
Proposal type: Normal
Proposer: Community Wallet
VIP-114 Payment/Deposit to Binance Oracle
This VIP will perform the following action:
- Transfer 100 BNB from Venus Treasury to Binance Oracle
This deposit is being sent to Binance Oracle for GAS that is expected to be consumed by the new Venus Binance Oracle feeds integration and expected to last for a period of around 6 months or a little more. This VIP is a dependency to Venus launching its new Isolated Markets feature as part of the major Venus v4 protocol upgrade in the upcoming weeks.
The new Binance Oracles will be supporting most of our 20 initial new markets.
Total to be sent: 100 BNB
Active until: 04.05.2023 18:52 UTC
Tx details ℹ️
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