Created VIP-103. Proposal type: Normal. VIP-103 Risk Parameters Update. #### Summary.
20 Mar 2023, 22:07
🔵 Created VIP-103
Proposal type: Normal
VIP-103 Risk Parameters Update
#### Summary
This VIP will perform the following actions:
* TRXOLD: Decrease CF to 0.30
* TRX: Increase CF to 0.40, Increase Borrow Cap to 4,000,000, Increase Supply Cap to 5,000,000
* SXP: Lower SXP’s collateral factor to 0.25
* USDC: Increase borrow cap to 124,700,000
* USDT: Increase borrow cap to 245,500,000
* BUSD: No actions at this time.
#### Specifications
As discussed previously, Gauntlet is providing ongoing deprecation plans for SXP and TRX (Old Market). Their latest recommendations have been published here last week and carefully reviewed by the Venus Quant team.
Gauntlet has also posted recommendations on BUSD here but the Venus risk team has deemed it is not necessary to take action at this time.
USDT/USDC: As liquidity has returned to its previous levels on BNB Chain for USDC and USDT, Gauntlet has also published some Parameters recommendations update here.
Active until: 21.03.2023 22:05 UTC
Tx details ℹ️
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📋 VIP actions:
Comptroller._setCollateralFactor (vTRXOLD, 300000000000000000)
Comptroller._setCollateralFactor (vTRX, 400000000000000000)
Comptroller._setMarketBorrowCaps ([vTRX, vUSDC, vUSDT], [4000000000000, 124700000000000000000000000, 245500000000000000000000000])
Comptroller._setMarketSupplyCaps ([vTRX], [5000000000000])
Comptroller._setCollateralFactor (vSXP, 250000000000000000)